Realty Companies in Philadelphia

Realty Companies in Philadelphia

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Realty Companies in PhiladelphiaLet’s not dance around the issue. Are realty companies in Philadelphia necessary when selling your home?  Does a carnival have emerald and lilac rockets to ride? Some might say you’re a fool to represent yourself in court. I sigh when I hear that a homeowner is going to sell their home by themselves. However, if you Google “How to sell a FSBO” or “Tips for selling my house,” you will read what you need to do to do to sell your house. There is an abundance of advice on how to sell a house successfully.

With the internet items that were sold only in stores are now selling well on the internet resulting in whole industries closing their brick and mortars. Books, record albums, CDs, DVDs, furniture, food, cars and even houses are cheaper on the net. On the net, you can see all the competitive products and their prices. In the way back, if you wanted to travel, you called your travel agent who had books and books for airlines, destinations, times of departures and fares. Now all of that is online, even everything you need to be a successful seller. Let me cement this idea firmly. If you have the time and inclination, you can be your real estate agent.

That’s the key, isn’t it? Time and inclination.

Here are six tips to get home buyers and realty companies in Philadelphia to view your house:

  1. Price it right – do your research. See what houses in your neighborhood that are comparable to your house are selling for and price your house accordingly.
  2. Stage the house properly – Your home must be clean, sleek, with no distractive décor. You want prospective buyers to see your home as if they lived there already. That means your stuff must be out of the house, sold, or in storage. Staged homes sell quicker, and for a higher price.
  3. Take professional photos – Marketing a home successfully starts with taking the highest quality pictures with a professional camera to ensure that the home receives maximum exposure. Since much of the initial shopping for a home is online, photos of a staged house draw more buyers to an open house. Take a look at Craigslist at houses for sale by owner. Would you want to know more about a house that is cluttered, dirty, and beds unmade?
  4. Be agile – make the house available for showing. That means don’t schedule big holiday dinners while selling. Get someone in the family to host. Just explain how you are selling your house.
  5. Network – hire an appraiser, an inspector and meet a mortgage broker who can shepherd you and your seller through the paperwork. Realty companies in Philadelphia can help you with comparisons to your property.
  6. Market your house – the internet is filled with ways to get eyes on your house. Do your research.

You can see that those six keys to selling your house are important.

Doing it on your own can be like reinventing the wheel, especially when it comes to marketing, staging or having professional photos taken. If you don’t have the time and inclination to sell your house and don’t want to go through all the suggested steps, call us. JMO Homes LLC  will make the whole process simple and easy.

JMO Homes LLC is here to help homeowners out of most any distressed situation.

As investors, we are in business to make a modest profit on any deal. However, we can help homeowners out of just about any situation, no matter what!  There are no fees, upfront costs, commissions, or anything else.  JMO Homes offers just the simple honest truth about your home. Then we share how we can help you sell it fast to resolve any situation.

Give us a call today at 267-202-5324 to let us know how we can help YOU!

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